Phase 2 introduces children to 20 letters and their corresponding sounds. Children use these letters to read and write simple CVC words (words with a consonant sound, then a vowel sound and then a consonant sound). Phase 2 is usually taught during the first term of Reception when children are around four years old. By the end of Phase 2 children should be able to read and write simple phrases containing CVC words.
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Phase 3 - digraphs and trigraphs
Phase 3 introduces children to the remaining six letters of the alphabet and their corresponding sounds. Phase 3 also teachers 25 letter and sound combinations. Many of the sounds taught in this phase are digraphs and trigraphs. Phase 3 is usually taught during the second term of Reception when children are around four and five years old. By the end of Phase 3 children should be able to read and write simple phrases using the sounds they know and make phonetically plausible attempts at reading and writing unknown words.

Phase 4 - Adjacent consonants and polysyllabic words
Phase 4 does not teach any new letter and sound combinations. Phase 4 introduces children to consonant blend words, polysyllabic words and reading and writing sentences. Phase 4 gives children the opportunity to practise the skills learnt in previous phases and develop confidence with using the sounds they know already. Phase 4 is usually taught during the final term of Reception when children are around four and five years old. By the end of Phase 4 children should be confident at reading and writing more complex words and sentences.
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Phase 5 - Alternative graphemes
Phase 5 introduces children to alternative graphemes. Children use these alternative graphemes to read and write sentences. Phase 5 is usually taught in Year 1 when children are around five and six years old. By the end of Phase 5 children should be able to use their knowledge of alternative graphemes to spell a wide range of words correctly and use their decoding skills to confidently read more challenging words.
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Phase 6 - Tenses, suffixes, prefixes and spelling rules
Phase 6 introduces children to spelling rules and grammar. Children learn how to use past and present tenses and how to add prefixes and suffixes. Phase 6 is usually taught in Year 2 when children are six and seven years old. By the end of Phase 6 children should be able to read and write longer texts and apply the spelling and grammar rules to their reading and writing.
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